= Simplepkg Slackware Management System = Simplepkg is a non-intrusive management system running on top of pkgtool and composed by a set of scripts which ease all the development and administrative cycles of a [http://www.slackware.com Slackware]-like system. Simplepkg can be used to * Create SlackBuild scripts. * Create packages with dependency solving and integrity checking. * Manage binary and OpenPGP-signed repositories. * Install packages with dependency solving, signature and integrity checking. * Automated installation of Slackware-like distributions. * Configuration change tracking. Have a more detailed look about what simplepkg can do at the [wiki:Overview] page. = Howtos = * [wiki:Installing Installing simplepkg]. * [wiki:CreatepkgHowto Creating packages and managing binary repositories]. * [wiki:MkbuildHowto Creating and maintaining mkbuilds and SlackBuilds]. = Documentation = * [wiki:Simplaret Simplaret retrieval tool]. * [wiki:TemplatingSystem Simplepkg as a templating system]. * [wiki:SlackBuilds Simplepkg SlackBuild specification] = Community = Simplepkg is developed by the [http://slack.sarava.org Slack Sarava Community]. Join us and help contributing :) * Mailing list: http://www.freelists.org/list/slack * [wiki:HowToContribute How to contribute]. * [wiki:DevelopmentGuidelines Development guidelines and policy]. * [wiki:CodingStyle Coding style]. = Similar projects = [wiki:Links Here] we keep a list of similar projects.